Lifetime Resolution


​The Holidays are nearly over, and just one remains: New Years. This is one holiday that no matter what religion or country you come from, you celebrate.
With the New Year, comes hope and conviction to fix the wrongs of the past year, and that is always commendable. But what exactly will your New Year's resolutions be? To get fit? To pay off your credit card debt? Both of those are great and are worth working towards, but what about down further down the road? 

Wouldn’t It be great if your New Year’s Resolution this year could carry over into every year afterward?

Of course it would be great! That’s why I am so excited in what I do. I give people the opportunity to make this a reality. A living trust is something that will last for years to come and will continue to provide protection and peace of mind for you and your family for years down the road.
As far as an investment it makes sense. Think of the money you will save by avoiding the Probate process that could one day take over half of your estate? That is money that could be given to your family upon your passing.

No matter how optimistic we are in the coming year, the risks involved in everyday are no lesser. The kitchen is still the most likely place to have a household accident, and the traffic accident rates everywhere are still too high for comfort.
With a living trust, you can mitigate some of the risk involved in everyday life by protecting your assets for years to come, regardless of what may happen to you. 2016 will be a great year, so start it off right by getting one part of your life in order. It only needs to happen once to provide a lifetime of protection.


Deadly Sin #7: Hiring an Attorney that Can’t Handle Businesses


Control 2016