Control 2016


2015 has been a year or many great and terrible events. From Paris to Star Wars, It’s almost as if everything about this past year has been written in all capital letters. These epic episodes do not only apply to states and cultures however. Within the homes of hundreds and thousands of Americans and even more world-wide, small wars are fought against the government and unfair systems in the form of unnecessary, harassing measures that regulate inheritances, and force millions of dollars to be wasted every year.

2016 is going to be the best year for a lot of people, because they understand that this is going to be a year dictated by those who understand how to succeed. To do this, you MUST make plans for the future in the form of goals and counter balances. A new president will be sworn in at the end of this year; even the country is making changes that will hopefully fix some of the problems we face now and secure our prosperity.

​Every government makes plans and so should you. There is an entire, multiple volume process that is set in stone to regulate your future for you. The problem is, when has anyone been protected or successful when another has made plans for you? 

2016 is the year that we all take charge of our own life. It’s the year that you must take charge of your estate, not simply because you never know what day will be your last, but to ensure the success of your family and your legacy. DO NOT BE A VICTIM to anybody, much less the government that was formed to ‘promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to us and our posterity.’

Are you ready to take control? Call me if you are.


Lifetime Resolution


RECAP: 7 Deadly Sins